Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Move

Douglas, Jackie's brother sighed. They were in the car, driving to their new farm in Kannas, MO. It took three days to get there from Texas. Douglas Daniel Mousart (DD) looked back. He missed Aunt Laurn and Uncle Jackson already! He missed their cousins, Annie, Moses, Cooper, Kate and baby Kanga. Baby Kanga always laughed her googly laugh at his silly faces. Annie and Moses, both nine like Jackie, liked to climb trees with him. Cooper and Kate were twelve like his sister, Emma. He was always thinking how there seemed to be twins in his family. He had five siblings. (You say it sib-a-lings.)

His big brother Mack, his big sister Lucilla or Lucy, as everyone called her. His big sister Emma and twelve year old Jackie. He was eight. Finally, they drove up at Country Stables, the farm they were staying at. A boy waved. That instant, DD knew he had a friend. Douglas Daniel Mousart loved it!

Parents ask kids:
1) Do you think DD was afraid to move?
2) Do you think DD is a nice kid?
3) Do you have five or four siblings?

Do Not Lie!

Jackie sighed, relieved. "Mom, I don't want to face Ms. Anne again!"
Mom answered, "Live with it, Sweet Heart."
Eventually, Jackie got sick, and had to stay home. The next day, Jackie went back. Ms. Anne said, "Jackie, I heard you had a fever, yesterday."
"I actually had pneumonia." (Jackie actually just had a cold.)
Ms. Anne frowned. "I don't see how you recovered that quickly."
Jackie shrugged her shoulders. At lunch, Jackie thought, I'm sick of telling lies. I wish I didn't have that habit. Oh well.
And eventually, Jackie lied again. (No one is perfect.)

Parents ask kids...
1) Do you think your mom would let you stay home?
2) Do you wish you didn't lie?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rabbit Act

"Make sure to put your costumes in your cubbie" Ms. Anne said. A chorus of "yes" answered her. Jackie thought, I I take my costume home, Mom can see my rabbit costume! Jackie walked to her cubbie and put the rabbit costume in to her bookbag.

"Look, Mom!" Jackie hopped over to mom on a pogo stick. "Mom. I'm a rabbit!" Jackie had put her rabbit costume on. Mom clapped. The next day Jackie hurriedly, accidentily left her costume on her bed. When she got to school, she started to unpack. Jackie looked all over her book bag for her costume. When Ms. Anne asked if everybody had their costumes, Jackie lied and said, "Yup."

"O.K., class let's go out to the stage, and do our thing. Jackie swallowed hard. "Here's your costume!" Jackie looked up to see Mom holding her costume. "Jackie, you lied to me." Ms. Anne said, disappointment in her voice. "Sorry." They walked out on to stage. Jackie played her part perfectly.

Parents, ask your kids theese questions.
1) If you were Jackie, would you lie also?
2) Would you have brought the costume home?
3) Do you know one commandment that goes with this book?
Answer: (Do not lie.)