Friday, December 30, 2011

The Magic Vase

''Oh,brother,'' Olivirina(Olivia)Vanordia(Vanie)sighed. ''Why don't people call me by my real name, Olivia?'' ''Olivirina, Olivirina,'' Mrs.Vanie called.''Joey, Matthew, April, Cyril, Katherine,(Katie)come here.'' But Olivia didn't come! ''Ollie,(her mother had never called her that before.)come here! Sorry Alison that I didn't call you, but come here!'' Thirty-five year old Joe,eight year old Matthew and seven year old Cyril smiled. They knew that when the girls
came,... BANG! CRASH! BANG! would happen.Why? Because Joe(their mother called him Joey)had put sleeping powder in their food,not just any powder,MAGIC sleeping powder.

Anything the girls touched would explode! Alison touched a vase. POOF! It was gone.'' 'Livia! Your vase disappeared!'' '' I know!'' Olivia gasped. April and Katie wandered to the table,sleepy eyed.''Kay,April, wake up.Sleepy heads they are.'' Alison whispered to Olivia. Later that day at school, a boy named Richard Combrit said ''Care to play golf, later?You,Kuskey,C.Vanie and me?'' ''Sure. Ricky,I have a magic vase in my house.'' Olivia whispered. (they were only allowed to call people by their last name at that school) ''Really? No, your kidding.'' Ricky laughed.

"No,seriously!" Olivia said, surprised that her friend laughed at her. After school, Karen Kuskey,Cyril, her,and Ricky golfed.then they went to Karen's house. Olivia took the vase out of her backpack and told the others about the vase. (Matthew got jealous and had to come also.) "Oh,Olivirna!" her friends and Cyril gasped as Matthew took the vase and broke it. "Olivirina," he called. Olivia couldn't stand it any longer.

"Do NOT call me Olivirina. My real name is Olivia!" Matthew surprised of his calm (usually, anyway.)sister's outburst. "Sissy,(Olivia was twenty-seven.)your real name is..." "Be quiet! Olivia snapped. It was to late. Mrs.Vanie had heard. "Uh-oh." Olivia gasped,when she saw her mother stalking towards her. On her face was written "Very Angry" and she was " Very Angry." "Olivirina Katherine Vanordia, where may I ask..." "No!" was the sharp reply. "Off to bed this instant!" Mrs. Vanie hissed. "Doe,a deer,a female deer. Ray,a drop of golden sun. Mi, a name, I call myself ...''Olivia rushed downstairs to find out who was singing. The vase was singing! Christian songs, mostly. From then on that family was a christian one.(because of the vase.)


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas News

Hello! I wanted to tell you that I am really hoping to talk to all of you face to face. I wish you a
Merry Christmas! All of the toys or things you get do not matter. The real meaning of Christmas
is Jesus. His birth. Find out about Jesus' birth in The Best Gift. Merry Christ-mas to all and to
all a good night!
Stephanie Halburr.

Friday, December 23, 2011

New Blog

For those of you just joining me, I want to welcome you to my new website! Don't forget to invite your friends to follow me!

Stephanie Halburr

The Best Gift

''I can't wait till Christmas!'' Jimmy Carson said." Its only two more days away!" Jimmy, Timothy," ( Timmy) Jonathan, Andrea,and Joey had been waiting for Sunday for, well, I do not know how long. The outside of the Carson's house was covered i n tinsel and holly,decorations and lights'.' 'Santa Clause will not come down chimney if we are not good.'' said eight year old Timmy. Chad Carson wondered if children knew the true meaning of Christmas.''Children, come here. Do you know the true meaning of Christmas?''Yeah, it's Santa Clause's shouted Jimmy.'' No, guess again. 'Reindeer? Elves? The sleigh?'' ''No, no, no.'' Chad said.'' I wil tell you all. Once an angel named Gabriel appeared to a virgin, Mary.'' ''What is a virgin?'' asked Andrea." A virgin is a person who is not married.'' answered Chad. ''Oh.'' ''Mary was frightened. She wanted the angel to prove that she would have a son named Jesus. Gabriel proved it by saying that her relative,Elizabeth, was going to have a son at her old age .Then Mary believed the angel. Joseph was engaged to Mary. He found out and decided to divorce her quietly. But an angel said to him in dream not to. Chad continued the story until it was done. From then on the children believed in GOD, not Santa Clause.